"Formula Premium is an adhesive cement with high elasticity. To fully reveal its physical characteristics, it is necessary to adhere to all the standards defined by the technical certificate of the mixture when working with this product.
Formula Premium can be applied in thicknesses ranging from 1 to 20 mm. Exceeding this parameter can significantly reduce the efficiency of the final result. The efficiency of the end result can also be influenced by the storage conditions of the loose mass.
The Formula Premium is a loose mass based on premium cement, packed in 25 kg bags. Dry mix combines cement, high-quality sand, mineral and special additives. The dosage of the constituent elements of the powder is determined by the research laboratory.
For every 25 kg of loose mass, it should be mixed with 6.5-7 liters of water at a rotation speed of 400-800 rpm. If the mixture is adequately blended, there is no need to add more water. The recommended application rate is 1.5-3.5 kg/m2.
It is recommended to store the dry mixture in the packaged state for no more than 12 months.
Formula premium adhesive cement is compatible for working on concrete, all types of blocks, heat and sound insulating materials and plasterboard surfaces.